Legion of the Legendary {LotL}
Legion of the Legendary recruiting HM oriented and High-End players to complete DoA/Titles!
What we have to offer:
Intellegent players
HM Missions/Vanquishes every day
Z-Quest completion
Dungeon Runs atleast once a week
DoA atleast once a week till we get more members to do it more often
Get Stuff done
What we are looking for:
Active Players {No not 24/7 players just get on when you can and actually do stuff}
Loyal Players {Dont join then leave in a day, try us out for 2 weeks if you dont like it then leave with no questions asked.}
18 and older prefferably {Some exceptions will be made}
atleast KoaBD would be nice but not a strict req yet.
Wanting to help with titles and work on your own aswell
How to join:
For now there will be no app till we get more established but i will do an informal interview in game.
You can contact me in game
Jesters Reign
or on our forums legionofthelegendary.proboards.com